/** * Total Plus Custom JS * * @package Total Plus * * Distributed under the MIT license - http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT */ jQuery(function ($) { /* Preloader Module */ $(window).load(function () { $('#ht-preloader-wrap').fadeOut('slow'); }); /* Search Module */ $('.menu-item-search a').click(function () { $('.ht-search-wrapper').addClass('ht-search-triggered'); setTimeout(function () { $('.ht-search-wrapper .search-field').focus(); }, 1000); }); $('.ht-search-close').click(function () { $('.ht-search-wrapper').removeClass('ht-search-triggered'); }); /* Contact Detail Open/Close in Contact Section */ $('body').on('click', '.ht-contact-detail-toggle.ht-open', function () { $(this).next('.ht-contact-content').addClass('ht-box-hidden'); $(this).addClass('ht-closed').removeClass('ht-open'); }); $('body').on('click', '.ht-contact-detail-toggle.ht-closed', function () { $(this).next('.ht-contact-content').removeClass('ht-box-hidden'); $(this).removeClass('ht-closed').addClass('ht-open'); 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